The Bible School: Jesus Heals and Restores

The international Bible School is in progress – more information is coming soon.

We are preparing video coursers in different topics.  These video courses are in progress.

Presentation: The focus of the training course

A strong foundation in the Word
You are assured of the origin of the Bible, its authority, and its reliability. You will learn to recognize how the Word is to be practiced in your own and others’ lives.

Personal love relationship with Jesus
You will be helped to get to know Jesus personally so that you can hear his voice and live in his constant presence with the right driving force in your life and your ministry – God´s love.

The Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit
You will become confident in how the Spirit manifests, his ways of expression and functions. You will learn what the gifts of the Spirit are, how to respond and cooperate with the Spirit.

Healing of the soul and body
You get to know Jesus as the healer of the soul and the body. You will receive healing and restoration yourself, and at the same time be trained to convey healing through the biblical laying on of hands and through individual prayer and counseling sessions.

The personality of Jesus and his healing ministry
You will learn how Jesus healed when he walked the earth, how he treated them and his attitude towards the sick people. You will learn where diseases come from and different ways to mediate healing.

The restoration of the personality
You will find your unique personality and be bold to contribute with your gifts. You will learn more about the reality of the new creation, the justification and that the past has no right to hinder you.

Deliverance ministry
You will gain insight into the invisible world, how the powers of darkness and the destructive forces of sin work. You will become aware of the strong authority you have, based on the name of Jesus and his victory at Calvary. You will understand your position in Christ and the protection that is in him.

Prayer ministry
You learn the inner prayer, the prayer of the heart. You become an intercessor who has contact with the heart of God, where mercy, perseverance and boldness are important ingredients. Your prayer will be based on God´s promises in the Word.


Församlingen Arkens bibelskola Jesus Helar och Upprättar
Arken Church Bible School Jesus heals and restores
Box 134, 196 23 Kungsängen, Sweden
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone number:  + 46 8 588 840 00
Fax:  +46 8 588 840 99